Integrating very high shares of decentralized renewable energy into the Swiss energy system.

EDGE wants to provide scientific evidence to fast-track the growth of locally sourced decentralized renewable energy in Switzerland. The consortium aims to show that by 2035 and 2050, when ambitious shares of renewable energy are reached, the Swiss energy system could be designed and operated in a technically and economically optimal and secure way, and that it could be well positioned in the European markets.


Quantify new national-level scenarios and implementation pathways with high shares of decentralized renewable energy
  • Extend the existing pool of Swiss energy scenarios with an ambitious vision for renewable energy, using models with high temporal and spatial resolution
  • Assess feasibility, limits and implications of decentralized renewable energy generation
  • Analyze the interplay of decentralized and centralized renewable energy generation, storage and transmission grids, including the interconnection with Europe
Design and analyze multi-energy systems with a high share of renewable energy to coordinate region-specific supply, demand, and distribution grids in the three Swiss regions: cities, midlands and Alps
  • In cities, investigate systems with highly concentrated energy demand, building-integrated PV, anthropogenic biomass, district heating grids, etc.
  • In midlands, investigate systems dominated by high but dispersed demand, woody and agricultural biomass, PV, and wind power
  • In the Alps, investigate systems dominated by PV, woody biomass, and wind power
Design and demonstrate typical local renewable energy systems for each region in pilot & demonstration projects.
  • Bridge research with implementation by steering and participating in the construction of pilot & demonstration projects
  • Assess feasibility, limits and performance of such systems and their interaction with existing infrastructure
  • Analyze the behavior and acceptance by consumers and other key actors
Investigate how high shares of decentralized renewable energy can be scaled up and integrated with the existing infrastructures of distribution, transmission, centralized generation and storage
  • Analyze how existing distribution and transformation grids could be adapted to allow the integration of renewable electricity
  • Evaluate optimal niches that could be filled with microgrids
  • Focus on techno-economic efficiency as well as supply security, positioning Switzerland well regarding uncertain developments in the European markets
Evaluate various options for policy, market design and instruments, and other measures to mobilize finance, coordinate key actors, and enable socio-political acceptance
  • Analyze effectiveness and implementation feasibility of various federal, cantonal, and local policies, market instruments and financial aspects among the three regions
  • Analyze different socio-political conditions and policy acceptance
  • Identify ways to minimize new emerging inequalities from the energy transition across various stakeholders

all News

EDGE is now on Bluesky!

We're excited to expand our engagement with the energy communities on Bluesky!


EDGE on the cover page of the St. Galler Nachrichten

Earlier this year, EDGE was on the cover page of St. Gallen’s most widely circulated newspaper: St. Galler Nachrichten .


Last article on EDGE co-coordinator: "Evelina Trutnevyte: The Energy Oracle"

Read the last article on EDGE co-coordinator: "Evelina Trutnevyte: The Energy Oracle". Switzerland is striving for NetZero emissions by 2050. According to our EDGE co-coordinator, the goal is entirely achievable.


Join us for the Energy Drinks event on 8 and 15 January 2025!

EDGE will organize a new series of the Energy Drinks event in Geneva in January 2025. Given its location, the event will be held in both English and French.


The second Swiss conference on decentralized energy will take place on 22 May 2025 in Bern

We are delighted to announce that the second Swiss conference on decentralized energy organized by SWEET EDGE will take place on Thursday, 22 May 2025, in Bern.


The EDGE Renewable Energy Outlook (REO) was presented to municipalities at the GREE meeting

In order to build connections and discuss energy, the GREE invited representatives from several French-speaking Swiss municipalities involved in wind energy projects to a meeting.


Agri photovoltaic could supply five times more electricity than Switzerland needs

The theoretical potential of agrivoltaics in Switzerland is five times greater than the current electricity demand, as ZHAW researchers have determined.


The third SWEET Conference was held on 4 September 2024 in Bern

The third SWEET Conference took place on 4 September 2024 at the Eventforum in Bern.


The fourth in-person Consortium Meeting was held on 22-23 August 2024 in Horw

The fourth in-person consortium meeting of EDGE was held on 22 and 23 August 2024 at the University of Lucerne HSLU, on the campus of Horw.


Switzerland said “yes” to the electricity law!

This is good news for the SWEET EDGE consortium!


Successful implementation of the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050 is a mandatory contribution for Switzerland to reach its goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. The gap between the greenhouse gas emissions pathways under current policies and the required emissions for carbon neutrality is vast in Switzerland as well as in Europe. Thus, climate change mitigation is a continent-wide challenge that Switzerland must participate in. Climate neutrality in principle requires an almost or fully renewable energy supply in Switzerland, especially exploiting decentralized resources.

Swiss Energy Research for the Energy Transition SWEET

SWEET – "SWiss Energy research for the Energy Transition" – is a funding programme of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE). SWEET’s purpose is to accelerate innovations that are key to implementing Switzerland’s Energy Strategy 2050 and achieving the country’s climate goals. The programme was launched in early 2021 and the funding programme runs until 2032.

EDGE is a consortium sponsored by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy's SWEET programme and coordinated jointly by the University of Geneva and the EPFL in Lausanne.

The ENAC Faculty at EPFL as well as the University of Geneva’s Faculty of Science and Institute for Environmental Sciences (ISE) provide the management and administrative support to SWEET-EDGE.