Work package 4
Pilot & Development in cities
Work package leader:Prof. Philipp Schütz, HSLU

Despite many solutions for a higher integration of locally sourced renewable energy, communities and utilities are often overwhelmed by the number of options and hesitant to implement these solutions due to the lack of successful use cases. In WP4, the EDGE solutions will be demonstrated in the cantons of Bern, Luzern, and Aargau on different scales (district, community, group of cities), in different development stages (concept, design, implementation, operation, optimization), and in different community sizes/locations. Together with cities, and utilities, turn-key solutions will be developed for the specific challenges of the contributing community. These projects will show the economic, ecological, and energetic efficiency of the EDGE solutions as well as their social acceptance and replication potential in Switzerland. Eventually, recommendations will be provided on how to adapt the solutions for the context of other Swiss cities.
(start: M24, duration: 48 months)