Work package 7
Deployment and integration of decentralized systems
Work package leader:Prof. Evelina Trutnevyte, UNIGE

WP7 takes the bottom-up estimates of renewable energy resources, designs and operation of decentralized systems, their techno-economic performance, and insights on implementation feasibility from WP1-WP3 in order to develop new scenarios and transition pathways to nearly or fully renewable Switzerland by 2050. WP7 is based on energy systems modelling and will combine three models with high spatial and temporal resolution as well as analysis of temporal pathways to seek for most robust scenarios. WP7 will investigate what these new Swiss scenarios mean for the transmission, centralized generation and storage, mobility sector, and the interconnection with Europe. WP7 will start early in the project to prepare the modelling tools for the ambitious task of representing fully renewable systems for Switzerland, and stepwise integrate the outputs from WP1-3 as they come.
(start: M1, duration: 72months)