Autres produits
Publications scientifiques
- Michael Lehning, Jérôme Dujardin, Annelen Kahl, Evelina Trutnevyte, SWEET-EDGE: Enabling Decentralized renewable Generation in the Alps, EPFL, 2022
Etudes de faisabilité
- David Joss, Peter Cuony, Patrick Joye, Cyril Käser, Christof Bucher, Grid Optimization with Decentralized Actors Netzoptimierung mit dezentralen Aktoren, BFH and Groupe e, Aramis, July 2023. Further information on the poster and on BFH website.
- Jürg Rohrer, Christian Zeyer, Versicherung für die Schweizer Stromversorgung : Vorschlag für eine rasche und kosteneffiziente Absicherung gegen Strommangellagen und Versorgungsprobleme im Strombereich, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), April 2023, doi: 10.21256/zhaw-2457
- Jürg Rohrer, Michael Wild, Nicolas Stocker, Muriel Siegwart, Gibt es bessere Alternativen zu fossilen Kraftwerken für die Versorgungssicherheit der Schweiz mit Strom? : eine Analyse und Interpretation von diversen Studien zur Stromversorgungssicherheit, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), March 2023, doi: 10.21256/zhaw-2529
- Mareike Jäger, Christina Vaccaro, Jürg Boos, Johann Junghardt, Sven Strebel, Dionis Anderegg, Jürg Rohrer, Beatrix Schibli, Machbarkeitsstudie Agri-Photovoltaik in der Schweizer Landwirtschaft, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), September 2022,
- Dionis Anderegg, Sven Strebel, Jürg Rohrer, Photovoltaik Potenzial auf Dachflächen in der Schweiz, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), July 2022,
- Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, Swiss Energy System 2050: Pathways to Net Zero CO2 and Security of Supply,, Report 2022
Fiches d'information
- Christof Bucher, Photovoltaik-Potenziale der Schweiz, Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), August 2022
Jeu de carte éducatif
- SWEET EDGE and the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Battle of Power, presented at Nuit de la Science in Geneva in July 2022
Vidéos Youtube
- SWEET EDGE, The EDGE recommender tool. What is it?, July 2024. Topic: presentation of the first user of the EDGE recommender tool.
- SWEET EDGE, What could the Swiss electricity supply look like in 2035?, January 2024. Topic: presentation of three strategies to reach the new target of 35 TWh/year of new renewable technologies in Switzerland by 2035.
- SWEET EDGE, Alpine photovoltaic (PV) in Switzerland: do we really need it?, June 2023. Topic: presentation of the advantages of alpine PVs and their social and economical implications in Switzerland. With researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), SUNWELL, the University of Bern (UNIBE), and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich).
- SWEET EDGE, EDGE White Paper shows extreme level of fragmentation of rooftop PV policy in Switzerland, February 2023. Video in German here. Topic: presentation of the rationale behind EDGE first White Paper on policy and market design for rooftop PVs in Switzerland. With Prof. Tobias Schmidt (ETH Zurich) and Prof. Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen (University of Bern).
- SWEET EDGE, Interview of Prof. Christof Bucher Professor (BFH), November 2022. Video in German here. Topic: presentation of how to test photovoltaic systems that cannot be tested by the private industry.
- SWEET EDGE, Interview of Annelen Kahl, Co-founder of SUNWELL, June 2022 (English and German). Topic: presentation of photovoltaics production in Switzerland's alpine area.
- SWEET EDGE, The SWEET EDGE recommender tool in a nutshell, July 2024
- SWEET EDGE, What could the Swiss electricity supply look like in 2035?, February 2024
- SWEET EDGE, Switzerland's energy strategy 2050 will trigger an increase of solar energy, November 2023
- SWEET EDGE, Results from the EDGE population survey, June 2023
- SWEET EDGE, Cantonal policy instruments targeting rooftop solar PV in Switzerland, February 2023
- SWEET EDGE, Ray tracing technique for PV production, June 2022
- SWEET EDGE, The potential of photovoltaic rooftops in Switzerland, October 2022
- SWEET EDGE, 3 regions - 3 types of decentralized renewable system’s needs, March 2022
- Newsletter #8 of 5 July 2024, English, German, French
- Newsletter #7 of 20 February 2024, English, German, French
- Newsletter #6 of 9 November 2023, English, German, French
- Newsletter #5 of 22 June 2023, English, German, French
- Newsletter #4 of 16 February 2023, English, German, French
- Newsletter #3 of 12 October 2022, English, German, French
- Newsletter #2 of 9 June 2022, English, German, French
- Newsletter #1 of 3 March 2022, English
Thèses de Master
- Frei, Smart Meter Customer Segmentation through Socio-Demographic Analytics on Municipality Level: A Case Study for the Canton of Lucerne, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, 2024
- Giger, Estimating Heating Consumption Based on Combined Infrared and Optical Building Façades Images Using Deep Learning, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, 2024
- Manuel Bussmann, Auswirkungen verschiedener Eigenverbrauchsszenarien auf den Ausbaubedarf eines Schweizer Verteilnetzes, ZHAW, 2023
- Natacha Da Silva Montenegro, Life cycle assessment of residential heating systems in Geneva: Current and projected environmental impacts, 2023
- David Gut, Economics and Financing of Alpine Solar Photovoltaics in the Swiss Alps, ETH Zurich, 2023
- Giacomo Rubino, Power-to-hydrogen in 2035 Swiss electricity mix: modelling and technology assessment, University of Geneva (UNIGE), 2023
- Julia Gonzalez Contreras, Designing socially acceptable Swiss electricity supply scenarios for 2035 by linking population survey data and electricity supply modelling, University of Geneva (UNIGE), 2023
- Amaia Soubelet, Distributional implications of current solar PV incentives across Swiss households and evaluation of alternative schemes, University of Geneva (UNIGE) and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), 2023
- David Giger, Investment Variables Driving the Spatial Distribution and Economics of Rooftop Solar PV in Switzerland and the Role of Policy Design, 2022
- T. Huber, Opportunities between biomass and solar energy: Assessment of applications in the agricultural sector, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, 2022
- Fabio Käppeli, Vereinheitlichung verschiedener räumlicher Datensätze zur Potenzialberechnung von Energie aus Photovoltaik Wind und Biomasse in der Schweiz, 2022
- Vu Quynh Nhu Casati Nguyen, Modelling the Energy Consumption of Heat Pumps and Smart Meters in Residential Buildings, 2022
- Sinan Sencan, Reliability assessment of interconnector lines in the European transmission system, RRE, Reliability and Risk Engineering Lab, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, 2022
- Martin Schlumpf, Smart-Meter-Daten als Grundlage für einen Energieverbund mit Photovoltaik in einem Wohnquartier, 2022
- Sarah Schneeberger, Energetic renovation pressure, 2022
- Lea Senn, Reporting and Modelling for Hydro 4.0 and Biomass for Axpo Power AG, 2022
- Kirsten Tallner, Modelling the energy demand of Roche’s large-scale industrial site in Basel, 2022
- Joe Wengler, Reliability assessment of generating units in the European power system, RRE, Reliability and Risk Engineering Lab, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, 2022
Autres documents universitaires
- Ali Darudi, Hannes Weigt, "Electricity adequacy in Switzerland and Europe for the winter 2022-2023," in EconStor Preprints 268379, ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, 2023
Conférences où EDGE a été invité
- Energy Drinks, Hype or hope? What is the use of alpine photovoltaics in Switzerland? Presentations from R. M. Borsotti, J. Rohrer, D. Gut, 23.05.2024
- Energy Drinks, 100% renewables in Switzerland? Wishful thinking or a realistic option? Presentations from M. Schwarz, L. Brodnicke, P. Schütz, G. Brückmann, 22.05.2024
- Schweier Werder M, Gemperle F, Perry N, Bont LG. Wie das Holzpotential der Voralpen und Alpen besser genutzt werden könnte. Presented at the Brünig Forum Holz & Wirtschaft, Hasliberg, Switzerland, 08.03.2024
- Bucher, Christof, Energieforschungsgespräche Disentis 2024, Disentis, Netzanschluss von Photovoltaikanlagen, 26.01.2024
- Bucher, Christof, Photovoltaik und Stromspeicherung, Graz, Flexibilitätsoptionen im Niederspannungsnetz, 08.11.2023
- Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen, Insights aus der Akzeptanzforschung, presentation at WWF Switzerland, Zurich, Switzerland, 02.11.2023
- Gracia Brückmann, Climact Swiss' seminar, The Energy Transition is a SWEET deal, 16.10.2023
- Alexandre Torné, Evelina Trutnevyte, Banning fossil fuel cars and boilers in Switzerland: mitigation potential, justice, and the social structure of the vulnerable, SDEWES conference 2023, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 26.09.2023
- Evelina Trutnevyte, SWEET Conference, Presentation about SWEET EDGE, Bern, 06.09.2023
- Energy Drinks, Can Switzerland become fully renewable by 2050? Presentations from M. Schwarz, C. Bucher, G. Brückmann, S. Biollaz, Bern, 23.08.2023
- Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen, EDGE survey results on policy acceptance, SWEET EDGE biennial conference, Bern, Switzerland. 22.08.2023
- Gracia Brückmann, Acceptance of energy policies in the presence of policy goals, SWEET EDGE biennial conference, Bern, Switzerland. 22.08.2023
- Mak Dukan, Cost of capital for renewables and enabling technologies: Measuring the multidimensional heterogeneity in Switzerland, SWEET EDGE biennial conference, Bern, Switzerland. 22.08.2023
- Mert Duygan, Determinants of solar PV adoption in Swiss households, SWEET EDGE biennial conference, Bern, Switzerland. 22.08.2023
- Manuel Meyer, Reality: tales from communities, SWEET EDGE biennial conference, Bern, Switzerland. 22.08.2023
- Sabrina Mili, Investigating companies’ preferences for corporate power purchase agreements, SWEET EDGE biennial conference, Bern, Switzerland. 22.08.2023
- María Parajeles Herrera, Integration of transport electrification in an evolving power system, SWEET EDGE biennial conference, Bern, Switzerland. 22.08.2023
- Cristian Pons-Seres de Brauwer, Market acceptance of corporate energy prosumers on smart solar EV charging at work, SWEET EDGE biennial conference, Bern, Switzerland. 22.08.2023
- Giovanni Sansavini, Power grid security in the energy transition, SWEET EDGE biennial conference, Bern, Switzerland. 22.08.2023
- Philipp Schütz, Supporting energy decisions in communities with the recommender tool, SWEET EDGE biennial conference, Bern, Switzerland. 22.08.2023
- Nicolas Stocker, Decentralized renewables in the Midlands: some hits and misses of a P&D project, SWEET EDGE biennial conference, Bern, Switzerland. 22.08.2023
- Alexandre Torné, Evelina Trutnevyte, Justice implications of banning fossil fuel boilers and private cars in Switzerland, SWEET EDGE biennial conference, Bern, Switzerland. 22.08.2023
- Annelen Kahl, Towards significant winter energy production from the Alps, SWEET EDGE biennial conference, Bern, Switzerland. 22.08.2023
- Energy Drinks, Does Switzerland really need alpine PV? Presentations from M. Lehning, J. Rohrer, I. Stadelmann, M. Dukan, Bern, 21.08.2023
- Alexandre Torné, Evelina Trutnevyte, Banning the use of fossil fuel boilers and private cars in Switzerland: mitigation potential, fairness, and the social structure of the vulnerable, 8th NEST Conference 2023, Dresden, Germany, 30.06.2023
- Bucher, Christof, Joss, David, Fachtagung Netzanschluss: NA-Schutz, Burgdorf, Prüfung des internen NA-Schutzes, Demonstration interner NA-Schutz, 06.06.2023
- Jürg Rohrer, Alpine Photovoltaik: Weshalb wo und wie?, Swissolar Fachtagung, Landquart, 22.02.2023
- Jürg Rohrer, Alpine Photovoltaik: Weshalb wo und wie?, Swissolar Fachtagung, Thun, 09.02.2023
- Jérôme Dujardin, Fanny Kristianti, Bert Kruyt, Andrew Clifton, Michi Lehning, AlpEnForce Energieforschungsgespräche, Warum wir neben hochalpiner PV auch auf den (Gebirgs-)Wind setzen sollten, Disentis, 25.01.23.
- Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen, Insights from acceptance research (Insights aus der Akzeptanzforschung), presentation and round-table participation at the Schweizerischer Stromkongress, Bern,, 19.01.2023
- Gracia Brückmann, Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen, Policy preferences in the presence of policy, presented at EPG Online, 01.12.2022
- Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen, Why the energy transition is so difficult (Warum wir uns so schwer tun mit der Energietransition), presentation at the Rotary Club meeting, Konolfingen, 17.11.2022
- Michael Lehning, Schneeforschung an den Drei Polen: Expeditionen, Modelle und unerwartete (Energie-)Einsichten, Lions Club Lenzerheide/Albula, 25.10.2022
- Jürg Rohrer, Alpine Solaranlagen unter der Lupe, Energieforum Flumserberg, 22.09.2022
- Jürg Rohrer, Klima-Erwärmung: Benötigen wir mehr freiwillige oder mehr gesetzliche Massnahmen?, 4. Energie-Talk Stäfa, Stäfa, 09.09.2022
- Trutnevyte, Evelina, SWEET EDGE: Towards renewable energy in the Swiss cities, midlands, and the Alps. Swiss-US Energy innovation days, 15.08.2022
- Jürg Rohrer, Agro-Photovoltaik in der Schweiz: Stand der Technik und Energieerzeugungspotential, Fachtagung Agro-Photovoltaik, Wädenswil, 14.07.2022
- Michael Lehning, SWEET Konferenz, SWEET EDGE: Plans and First Results, Bern, 15.06.2022
- Evelina Trutnevyte, Transdisciplinarity in energy research, SWEET Conference, 13.06.2022
- Gracia Brückmann, Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen, Proposing a Policy Design Exercise to Assess Preferences for Future Policy Goals and Policies to Achieve these, presented at POLMETH EUROPE 2022, Hamburg (DE), 11.06.2022
- Jürg Rohrer, Alpine Solaranlagen: grosse Potentiale und viel Winterstrom, 2. Energie-Wende-Kongress Oberburg, 11.06.2022
- Jürg Rohrer, Erneuerbar Heizen, 13 public events between Rapperswil-Jona and Schwanden (GL), 2022
- Evelina Trutnevyte, Computer models for the energy transition, Pint of Science, 10.05.2022
- Jürg Rohrer, Klima-Erhitzung bekämpfen durch freiwillige oder durch gesetzliche Massnahmen?, HV Energieallianz Linth, Schänis, 05.05.2022
Rapports de l'OFEN
- Highlights Report – Year 2
- Deliverable report D2.1 - Report with the results on small-scale biogas systems and on combined biomass and solar energy
- Annual report – Year 1
Autres résultats
- David Joss, Peter Cuony, Patrick Joye, Cyril Käser, Christof Bucher, GODA – Netzoptimierung mit dezentralen Aktoren, 07.07.2023
- Jürg Rohrer, Nicolas Stocker, Workshop with municipal administration and politicians of Wittenbach, 03.03.2023
- Gracia Brückmann, Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen, Energy policy support increases through policy goal communication, Paper presented at Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, Working Group Public Policy, Basel, 2&3.02.2023
- Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen, Gracia Brückmann, Sophie Ruprecht, Policy configurations and social acceptance of solar power - A conjoint choice experiment with and without abstention from binary choice, Paper presented at Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, Working Group Empirical Methods, Basel, 2&3.02.2023
- NA, Jagd nach Ölheizungen, Phase 5, 14.12.2022
- Jürg Rohrer, Nicolas Stocker, Two presentation about EDGE at citizen information events in Wittenbach (so called “Bürgerinfo” in German), 07.11.2022
- NA, Architektur+Technik, Machine Learning für die Jagd nach Ölheizungen, 05.11.2022
- NA, Die Jagd nach Ölheizungen, Surseer Woche, 20.10.2022
- NA, Machine Learning für die Jagd nach Ölheizungen / CE today Online, 13.10.2022
- NA, Machine Learning für die Jagd nach Ölheizungen, / Netzwoche Online, 13.10.2022
- NA, Machine Learning für die Jagd nach Ölheizungen, / myScience Schweizer Forschung/Innovation, 12.10.2022
- NA, Machine Learning für die Jagd nach Ölheizungen, / Innerschweiz Online, 12.10.2022
- Jürg Rohrer, Nicolas Stocker, Two presentation about EDGE at citizen information events in Wittenbach (so called “Bürgerinfo” in German), 09.05.2022
- Evelina Trutnevyte, Produire localement plus de courant renouvelable : les options de la Suisse, ARE Forum 02.2022
- NA, Citizen Science Event Turgi, 2022